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Adding a Node

Connection Requirements

  • Valid TLS certificate on your Proxmox node
    • If you don't have a trusted certificate, you can generate one with Let's Encrypt in this guide.
    • We heavily discourage against disabling TLS verification because enables man-in-the-middle attacks.

Generating a Proxmox API Token

Navigate to the Proxmox node that you want to add and create a new token.

Arrow directions to locating where to add tokens in Proxmox's interface

Next, click on Add and generate a new token under a user that has root privileges and verify that privilege separation is disabled.

Screenshot of adding a new token dialog

Adding Location

Before adding a new Node, you must create a location for your node. On the Admin Control Panel, click on the Locations tab and click Create Location. Fill in the Short Code and Description. After that, click Create to submit.

Screenshot of adding a new location

Adding the Node in Convoy

With your API token, navigate to Convoy's nodes page in the administration area and add a new node. Click the Create Node button and fill in the information required.

  • Display Name : Type any name for identifying your node
  • Location Group : Choose the location you already created before
  • Node Name In Proxmox: Type the same name as your node name in Proxmox
  • Verify TLS Certificates: Check this if you have a valid TLS certificate on your Proxmox node
  • Token ID: Paste from your Proxmox user page
  • Secret: Paste from your Proxmox user page
  • FQDN: Type your Proxmox IP or FQDN without http/https
  • Port: Type the port to access Proxmox. Default 8006 if you access with IP
  • Memory Allocation: Type how much memory is allocated for managed by Convoy in MiB
  • Memory Overallocation: Type how much memory can be overallocated in percentage (%)
  • Disk Allocation: Type how much disk is allocated for managed by Convoy in MiB
  • Disk Overallocation: Type how much disk can be overallocated in MiB
  • VM Storage: Type name of storage to save disk image
  • Backup Storage: Type name of storage to save backup
  • ISO Storage: Type name of storage to save ISO file
  • Network: Type your network bridge name

Screenshot of adding a new node

Released under the Business Source License.