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Nodes API

Fetching Nodes

GET /api/application/nodes

Available Request Parameters

  • page
  • per_page
    • max is 100
  • filter[name]
  • filter[fqdn]
  • filter[location_id]
    "data": [
            "id": 4417,
            "location_id": 5340,
            "name": "us-southeast",
            "cluster": "us-southeast",
            "fqdn": "",
            "port": 8006,
            "memory": 68719476736,
            "memory_overallocate": 0,
            "memory_allocated": 6442450944,
            "disk": 137438953472,
            "disk_overallocate": 0,
            "disk_allocated": 6442450944,
            "vm_storage": "local",
            "backup_storage": "local",
            "iso_storage": "local",
            "network": "vmbr0",
            "servers_count": 2
            "id": 4418,
            "location_id": 5341,
            "name": "quae",
            "cluster": "proxmox",
            "fqdn": "error",
            "port": 8006,
            "memory": 68719476736,
            "memory_overallocate": 0,
            "memory_allocated": 2147483648,
            "disk": 137438953472,
            "disk_overallocate": 0,
            "disk_allocated": 21474836480,
            "vm_storage": "local",
            "backup_storage": "local",
            "iso_storage": "local",
            "network": "vmbr0",
            "servers_count": 1
    "meta": {
        "pagination": {
            "total": 32,
            "count": 32,
            "per_page": 50,
            "current_page": 1,
            "total_pages": 1,
            "links": {}

Fetching a Node

GET /api/application/nodes/<node id>

    "data": {
        "id": 4417,
        "location_id": 5340,
        "name": "us-southeast",
        "cluster": "us-southeast",
        "fqdn": "",
        "port": 8006,
        "memory": 68719476736,
        "memory_overallocate": 0,
        "memory_allocated": 6442450944,
        "disk": 137438953472,
        "disk_overallocate": 0,
        "disk_allocated": 6442450944,
        "vm_storage": "local",
        "backup_storage": "local",
        "iso_storage": "local",
        "network": "vmbr0",
        "servers_count": 2

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